

Trust in The Creative Process with All Your Heart (especially when you feel like giving up) Oct 04, 2023


She stood in the parking lot in tears.

The only thing that motivated my daughter to get her driver's license was knowing that in a few months she would be a senior in high school and that meant the opportunity to paint her senior parking spot.

Lainey sketched out her design and bought the...

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Seeking Spaciousness awe sacred space spaciousness stillness wonder Aug 19, 2023

When I look at the journal I keep during sessions with my spiritual director, I see a few themes. One of the most noticeable is "spaciousness." As I read that word, I know exactly what it represents for me.

I like to stay busy. I love the work I do in the world, and sometimes I have trouble...

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Wisdom Tree Collective Student Spotlight: Meet Abby Buter Jul 16, 2023


“I had been searching for a spiritual direction program to join for many years, but nothing felt right. The Wisdom Tree Collective came along at the perfect time. This program teaches us how to be spiritual directors, but it also pushes us to turn inward and pay attention to our own...

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"Holy Watching," The Spiritual Practice of Dreamwork: A Retreat with Laura Huff Hileman on July 22–23, 2023 Jun 10, 2023

How might you become a “holy watcher” when it comes to your nighttime dreams?

Join us as we ground our learning in the Tree of Life and the story of King Nebudchadnezzar’s dream then practice basic skills of being a “holy watcher” of our dreams through dreamwork and...

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Meet Our Mentors: Laura Huff Hileman May 17, 2023

Welcome to the first of a series designed to introduce the Wisdom Tree Collective Mentors. Mentors serve as companions for students in the Wisdom Tree Collective program. Today we’re hearing from Laura Huff Hileman, who’ll be launching a dreamwork training with us in 2024. (Watch...

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Calling All Poetry Lovers: April Is National Poetry Month! Apr 24, 2023

I’m not sure who decides these things, but April is National Poetry Month. I use poetry quite often in my work as a creativity coach and spiritual director. For writing prompts, for inspiration, for connection, for inquiry. For "centering down," as beloved Howard Thurman instructs us.


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“Breathless, Overwhelmed, and Afraid” grief mourning prayer Apr 04, 2023
It’s been one week since the school shooting here in Nashville, Tennessee, the city I have called home for some thirty years. The depravity of the incident is heartbreaking; the support from our community, beautiful. I visited the memorial site at the entrance to the school a few...
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On Forgiveness confession forgiveness Feb 25, 2023


Although I don’t belong to a religious denomination that requires a special ritual for confession, such as visiting a priest behind a curtain and receiving an assignment for penance, I know I feel healthier when I bear my soul to God, and to others as appropriate. Sometimes I wish my...

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What's in a Word? Defining Spiritual Direction christianity today sdi spiritual direction thomas merton wisdom tree wednesday Feb 08, 2023


I don’t know about you, but I get this question quite often: “What is spiritual direction?” If I’m honest—and I try to be—my answer can change. It’s taken me a while to work out my “elevator pitch,” what I might say if I have merely a...

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Re-membering: A Contemplative Practice from Port William contemplative practice remembering spiritual practice wendell berry Feb 01, 2023

Driving down the road.

Putting wet laundry in the dryer.

Picking up a garden trowel.

The quiet moment before falling asleep.

A memory slips into your mind—their familiar whistle, particular look or smell, a phrase spoken…you remember and for a moment you re-member
The Port...

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Writing as a Spiritual Practice centering prayer spiritual practice writing Jan 27, 2023

I have long regarded writing as a spiritual practice. A word lover from way back, putting pen to paper is like prayer for me. How might you add writing to your basket of spiritual practices?

According to Wikipedia, a spiritual practice can be defined thusly: “A spiritual practice...

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Firing Up the New Year: A Ritual for 2023 poetry rituals wintersolstice Jan 18, 2023

For the past several years, a dear friend and I have gathered on the Winter Solstice to unburden ourselves of what we need to let go of from the preceding year, and offer up what we hope for the 365 days ahead of us. My friend gets a fire going in the firepit in her backyard, and we each take...

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