Wisdom Tree Collective helps people pay attention to God's healing, guiding love available through all of Creation (including themselves) and connect this Wisdom to their daily lives.
One Tree,
Many Branches
Heal and Grow through spiritual direction, dreamwork, retreats, groups, and classes. Learn to guide others through a training program in the ancient art of Spiritual Direction.

School of Spiritual Direction
Our virtual wisdom-based certificate is for those who desire to become Spiritual Directors, deepen their current practice of spiritual direction, or view the world through a spiritual direction lens. Spiritual Directors companion others with compassion and wisdom on their spiritual journeys.

Retreats, Groups, & Classes
In-person and virtual classes, groups & retreats are for the general public and offered by various Spiritual Directors and other qualified individuals. Continuing education classes & retreats are also offered for Spiritual Directors.
What is Wisdom Tree Collective?
An inclusive community of people who desire deep healing and growth in themselves, others, and all of Creation.
Experience union with Divine Love, your Authentic Self, and shared Wisdom
healing of soul wounds including harm done by institutional religion, disconnection from nature and one's own body, heart, mind, & soul, and hurt and divisiveness in relationships on personal and communal levels
the ability to see and respond to both soul wounds and Wisdom arising in and through all of Creation
guidance and mentoring in becoming a Spiritual Director, one who companions others on their spiritual journeys
Hear From Our Students
“I am loving my experience in the spiritual direction certificate program. I have been a Christian all of my life and can honestly say I have learned more in this program in the last 6 months than in the rest of my life collectively. We certainly learn important concepts, but I have changed! My relationship with God has become so much more intimate and woven into my heart. I would recommend this program to anyone of any age who wants to go deeper into spiritual practice with others or for themselves.”
Cindy Smith, Pharmacist
Nashville, TN
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