

Re-membering: A Contemplative Practice from Port William contemplative practice remembering spiritual practice wendell berry Feb 01, 2023

Driving down the road.

Putting wet laundry in the dryer.

Picking up a garden trowel.

The quiet moment before falling asleep.

A memory slips into your mind—their familiar whistle, particular look or smell, a phrase spoken…you remember and for a moment you re-member
The Port...

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Writing as a Spiritual Practice centering prayer spiritual practice writing Jan 27, 2023

I have long regarded writing as a spiritual practice. A word lover from way back, putting pen to paper is like prayer for me. How might you add writing to your basket of spiritual practices?

According to Wikipedia, a spiritual practice can be defined thusly: “A spiritual practice...

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Firing Up the New Year: A Ritual for 2023 poetry rituals wintersolstice Jan 18, 2023

For the past several years, a dear friend and I have gathered on the Winter Solstice to unburden ourselves of what we need to let go of from the preceding year, and offer up what we hope for the 365 days ahead of us. My friend gets a fire going in the firepit in her backyard, and we each take...

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The Power of Presence Nov 17, 2022

One of the most difficult things I’ve ever done was to “stand helplessly and give witness to another’s pain without turning away or ignoring it or trying to fix it.” I’ve had Pastoral Care training, but I couldn’t do anything for her. At the time I felt...

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When Familiar Images of God Bring No Comfort (Especially During Times of Chaos) Nov 02, 2022

I couldn’t go to sleep.

Spending time in a crowded hospital with a dear friend who was dying left me restless and lying awake looking for God in the dark and finding nothing.  
It was the proverbial last straw.  Too much.

“What the hell?!...Does God even exist?!” I...

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A Guide to Finding a Spiritual Director Aug 09, 2022

First, what is a Spiritual Director? It is someone who helps you in your spiritual life. They will help you get closer in your relationship with the Divine, or help you increase in your spirituality.

Each person is born unique in the image of God, but there are times when society and the world...

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Wisdom from Howard Thurman for Turbulent Times Jun 29, 2022

During these turbulent times we must remind ourselves repeatedly that life goes on.

This we are apt to forget.

The wisdom of life transcends our wisdoms;
the purpose of life outlasts our purposes;
the process of life cushions our processes.

The mass attack of disillusion and despair,
distilled out of...

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Doors, Wells, & Spiritual Companionship: Reflections on the Poem "Locked Out" Apr 05, 2022

Locked Out


For tens of years I have been trying to get back in,

without even knowing I had been locked out.

When the door opened,

I didn't realize it had been shut.

The doorway, an unheard whisper.

Joy and sorrow became easier.


I had locked myself out of the well.

The bucket lowered...

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12 Trees, 2 New Schools, & a 2-Year Training Program Dec 09, 2021

As I stepped on the shovel, I couldn't help but smile. 

On Sunday, I joined other members from Wisdom Tree Collective as we partnered with Blessed Earth Tennessee, to plant 12 trees at Jones Brummett Elementary School.  Why? 

Wisdom Tree Collective is a nonprofit...

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More Than Hybrids: Spiritual Seekers on a Spacious Path Sep 17, 2021

Those who venture beyond their original spiritual tradition say they aren’t “hybrids.” Instead, they’re seeking wholeness.

Many of us grew up in spiritual traditions that were wary of outsiders. For instance, I was raised in a Southern Baptist church where citing...

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