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The Spiritual Side of Getting Lost: Lessons from the Woods

exploration journey peace self-discovery spiritual direction spiritual formation spiritual growth wisdom tree wednesday Sep 18, 2024

As a kid, my mom cautioned me not to wander into the woods alone. Unfortunately, I wasn’t always known to be the most obedient child. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided a fun romp in the woods was just what I needed. We lived at the foothills of White Oak Mountain, and the forest touched the boundary line of our 18-acre farm. You think 18 acres would have been a treasure-trove of adventure for a little girl, but the woods were forbidden and therefore more tempting.

I walked to the edge of the forest line of trees and took a tentative step. Then the next. I found my courage and started walking. The green canopy of trees was gently blowing in the breeze and the scene was picturesque, peaceful. Squirrels danced and skittered from tree to tree. Birds called out their greeting. I wondered if I could find a tree to climb up.  I investigated and walked for quite a while.

A tree branch snapped, and I turned to the sound, startled. I started to think of the stories of the bobcats my dad found wandering around. Fear gripped me and then I wondered if bears might also be in the woods. What other predators might be there.

I turned and started walking to the house. Then stopped. Was this the direction of the house? I scanned my surroundings trying to get my bearings, but one tree started looking like all the others. I was lost. Terror rose up in me. I hadn’t told anybody where I was. I wandered around and tried to go in the direction I thought my house was.

But then, I heard my dog barking in the distance. Or, if it wasn’t my dog, it still meant people were there, so I pivoted and took off running. Eventually I found a clearing to our farm that I was familiar with. Relief flooded through me. I had added a number of scrapes and scratches from crashing through the woods, but otherwise, I was safe.

I had discovered the cost of disobeying and the danger of exploring on my own.

My experiences of spiritual exploration occasionally remind me of that day when I was lost in the woods.

We long for a journey to the peaceful and mystical. We start at the edge and make a tentative step. Then we get more courageous and start trudging in and exploring. We may enjoy ourselves until something scares us. Maybe we had to face a hard truth about ourselves we’d rather not. Or maybe our beliefs get challenged.

We get confused and disoriented. Sometimes, we feel we have lost our way. The mysterious and mystical suddenly becomes a place of predators. Fear stops us in our tracks.

There is good news. We often hear a calling that allows us to pivot and travel where we need to go.

Navigating your spiritual journey can feel much like wandering through a dense forest. At times, you may feel lost and unsure of your path, but each twist and turn brings valuable lessons and insights. Trusting the process is essential, as the challenges you face will lead to profound growth and self-discovery. Remember, even in moments of uncertainty, you are not alone. Embrace the journey and keep exploring your path; it will ultimately guide you home.

—Katie Rea, WTC Writing Coach

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