“But God has chosen the soul of humanity as his resting place. God never began to love us—we and God’s love existed in the very first place—part of the same original creation.”
(Adapted, St. Julian of Norwich, Revelations, ch. 53)
This retreat will include an introduction to St. Julian, a guided meditation based on Julian’s work, and personal and small group reflections on Julian’s major themes. Grab your journals and soften your hearts as we come together to listen to what this 14th century saint has to say to us in the 21st century. Like the medieval pilgrims who sought her advice, walk away with wisdom for your own life.
Facilitated by Spiritual Director & Wisdom Tree Collective Mentor, Dr. Robbie Pinter.
Location: a home in Lebanon, TN.
Fee: $75 (lunch included)
Limited to 12 people
Register here.
Robbie Clifton Pinter recently retired from a 38-year career teaching English at Belmont University! At Belmont, she enjoyed teaching a wide variety of writing genres (e.g., The Journal, Memoir, Place Writing, Writing for Social Change, Spirituality, and Writing) that connect a writer’s deepest longing with the sacred call to be fully human. Robbie has offered workshops and retreats about life writing and its connection to contemplation in both academic and non-academic publications.
After being trained by Shalem Institute, she began serving as a spiritual director. Robbie is also a Spiritual Direction Mentor through Wisdom Tree Collective.
Her family includes her husband Mike (still teaching at Belmont) and their 29-year-old son Nicholas, who offers the world his special gifts as a pre-school teacher, despite significant challenges as someone who lives with special "needs."